Sean Sullivan (University of Iowa Law)maintains the Veconlab server. Special thanks to Greg Herrington (Dorsata and HackCville) and
AJ Bostian (Bostian Consulting LLC), for teaching advice and software assistance.
The Data Repository Link was structured by Erica Sprott (Harvard pre doc). I also benefited from discussions with Lisa Anderson, Susan Laury, Tanja McDaniel and
Jacob Goeree, with whom I have worked on related research experiments.
In addition, David Reiley (Pandora) has suggested a large number of major improvements that I have implemented.
If you have any suggestions, please email them to:
Many other suggestions were submitted by the people listed
- Lisa Anderson: College of William and Mary
- Sheryl Ball: Virginia Tech
- John Kagel: Ohio State University
- Bram Cadsby: University of Guelph
- Monica Capra: Claremont Graduate School
- Colin Camerer: Caltech
- Tim Cason: Purdue
- Rachel Croson: University of Minnesota
- Yvonne Durham: Western Washington
- Guilaume Frechette: NYU
- Roland Fryer: Harvard
- Jacob Goeree: UNSW
- Brit Grosskopf: University of Exeter
- William Harbaugh: University of Oregon
- Glenn Harrison: Georgia State
- Kate Johnson: West Virginia University
- Tim Miller: University of Exeter
- Tom Palfrey: Caltech
- James Parco: USAF
- Jim Murphy: U. Mass.
- Laura Razzolini: University of Alabama
- David Reiley: Pandora and Berkeley
- Chris Ruebeck: Lafayette College
- Katri Sieberg: University of Tampere, Finland
- Barry Sopher: Rutgers
- Sarah Stafford: College of William and Mary
- Ted Turocy: University of East Anglia
- Lise Vesterlund: University of Pittsburgh
- Rick Wilson: Political Science, Rice University
- Current and Former University of Virginia Students:
Andrew Barr, Mary Beale, AJ Bostian, Hope Carlson, Jeanna Composti Sondag, Kari Elison,
Kendall Fox, Erin Golub, Shelley Johnson, Courtney Mallow,
Kurt Mitman, Joe Monico, Uliana Popova, Lexi Schubert, Loren Smith, Provi Spina
Vecon Lab - March 14, 2025 |