Common Value Auction: Start Experiment (Page 1 of 5)

Experiment Title:
Session Name:
Students will need to use this session name to join your experiment.
They can log in from
Admin Password: (up to 4 letters or numbers, e.g. 1234)
Verify password:

Choose Setup
DefaultsThe default, two-treatment setup involves a change from 2-person to 4-person groups, which may increase the incidence of losses due to the winner's curse. If you stay with this default, you will have to set the total number of participants on the next page to be a multiple of 4.
CustomizeThis option lets you set group sizes and matching protcols for each treatment.
Last SetupThis retrieves parameters from the previous setup with this session name.

Number of Treatments:
Number of Participants (required):

Vecon Lab - April 23, 2024