| | See the Experimenting with Economics Menu of Suggested Experiments for an Economics Course with a Behavioral Focus
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Takeover Game, Common Value and Private Value Auctions, Multi-Round Auctions with Package Bidding Options, Emissions Permits
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Ultimatum, Principal/Agent, Reciprocity, and Trust Games
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Bayes' Rule, Lottery Choice, Investment Game, Value Elicitation, Probability Matching, Search
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Asset Market, Macro Markets, Prediction Markets, Gains from Trade, Bank Runs
Games |
Attacker/Defender, Centipede, Choice of Partners (New), Coordination, Guessing, Matrix Games, Traveler's Dilemma, Two-Stage Extensive Form Game
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Information Cascades, Lemons Market, Signaling/Poker Game, Statistical Discrimination
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Bertrand, Call Market, Cournot, Double Auction, Monopoly/Free Trade (New), Posted Offer, Supply Chain, Vertical Monopoly
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Common Pool Resource, Congestion/Entry, Public Goods, Rent Seeking, Volunteer's Dilemma, Voting, Water Externalities
Experimenting with Economics
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Suggested Course Sequence:
Trust, Trade, Production, Margainal Cost, Sunk Cost, Supply and Demand, Monopoly, Public Goods, Externalities, Rent Seeking, Risk, Games, Auctions, Bank Runs, Asset Markets, and Macro Markets
Macro Principles
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Input Demand and Real Wages, Input Supply, Circular Flow, Gains from Trade, Inflation, Assets and Present Value
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Copyright 2005, Charles Holt, Please report problems and suggestions:
Vecon Lab