Vecon Lab Experimenting with Economics: Suggested Course Sequence

Topic 1: Trust and Trustworthiness
(Pass and Return Game)
Topic 1: Bargaining
(Ultimatum and 2-Stage Bargaining)
Topic 2: Specialization and Gains from Trade (PPF)
(No-trade followed by trade and communications: students learn to specialize.)
Topic 3: Marginal Values, Demand, Tax Effects, Step Function Graphs
(Simple enough for pre-class homework, with relative payoff feedback.)
Topic 3: Marginal and Average Products
(Simple enough for pre-class homework, with relative payoff feedback.)
Topic 4: Call Market Supply and Demand, Efficiency, Floor/Ceiling, Shifts
(Default setup with approximately linear S and D facilitates efficiency discussions.)
Topic 5: Marginal Cost and Supply with an Emissions Allowance Application
(Option to show relative earnings helps students recognize opportunity cost.)
Topic 6: Supply with Fixed Costs (Avoicable or Unavoidable)
(Option to show relative earnings helps students recognize sunk costs.)
Topic 7: Monopoly and Oligopoly
(Cournot with group size of 1 is monopoly.)
Topic 8: Voluntary Contributions
(Free Riding, Punishments)
Topic 9: Tragedy of the Commons
(Social Costs of Congestion, Fees)
Topic 9: Common Pool Corruption
(random audits)
Topic 10: Lobbying
(inefficiency of non-market allocations)
Topic 11: Risk Preference: Measurement
(a portfolio choice task)
Topic 11: Risk Preference: Anomalies
(Allais and upside risk)
Topic 12: Games: Prisoners' Dilemma, Coordination, Battle of Sexes
(Major social dilemma and coordination paradigms)
Topic 13: Common Value Auction
(selection effects and the winner's curse)
Topic 14: Bank Runs
(deposit insurance effects)
Topic 15: Asset Prices
(present and future values)
Topic 16: Macro Markets Under Construction
(unemployment, inflation, real wages, fiat money)
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Vecon Lab - February 12, 2025